ERP Information for ERP Professionals and Vendors

FAQ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Professionals

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (often shortened to FUD) are propaganda tactics used in Enterprise Resource Planning Information (ERP) sales, marketing, and public relations.

FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear.

By spreading questionable information about the drawbacks of competing products or services, a company can discourage decision-makers from choosing those products/services over its own, regardless of the relative technical merits.

BANTS is the method of sales lead qualification. BANTS is an acronym for Budget, Authority, Needs, Timeline, and Solution, and it is designed to identify leads that are worth pursuing. As far as qualifying frameworks go, BANT is pretty straightforward and asks salespeople to consider the following:

  • Budget: Does the prospective client have the necessary budget to purchase your product?
  • Authority: Do the contacted persons in the potential leads have the authority to make a purchase or are there additional people you need to speak with?
  • Needs: What business pain points does your service reduce?
  • Timeline: When is the lead looking to make a purchase?
  • Solution:ย  Do we have the solution to meet the needs of the prospect?

A lead that meets at least three to four of the five BANTS criteria is considered viable, though each sales team may decide what a viable lead looks like to them.

An As-Is Process Document is a document that describes the current processes that are being used in an organization. It is typically created as part of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) implementation project, and it is used to document the current state of the organization’s processes so that they can be analyzed and improved upon.

The As-Is Process Document is an important tool for understanding how an organization currently operates, and it is used to identify areas where improvements can be made. It is also used to ensure that the ERP system is configured to support the current processes of the organization.

A Functional Requirement Document (FRD) describes the service that the ERP software must offer. It describes an ERP software system or its component. Function are the inputs to the software system, its behavior, and outputs. It can be a calculation, data manipulation, business process, user interaction, or any other specific functionality which defines what function an ERP system is likely to perform.

It can range from the high-level abstract statement of the senderโ€™s necessity to detailed mathematical functional requirement specifications. Functional Requirement Document allows consultants to capture the intended behavior of the system for users’ verification.

A To-Be Process Document is a document that outlines the desired processes that an organization wants to have in place after an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) implementation project. It is typically created as part of the ERP implementation process, and it is used to document the processes that the organization wants to have in place after the ERP system is implemented.

The To-Be Process Document is an important tool because it helps to ensure that the ERP system is configured to support the desired processes of the organization. It is also used to identify areas where improvements can be made and to ensure that the ERP system is able to support the desired level of efficiency and productivity.

This will lead to the gap-fit analysis.

Gap-Fit Analysis is a process that is used to identify the differences between the current state of an organization’s processes and the desired future state, as outlined in the To-Be Process Document.

It is typically conducted as part of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) implementation project, and it is used to identify any gaps or discrepancies between the current processes and the desired processes. The Gap-Fit Analysis helps to identify the changes that need to be made in order to achieve the desired future state, and it is an important step in ensuring that the ERP system is configured to support the desired processes of the organization.

The Gap-Fit Analysis typically involves comparing the As-Is Process Document, which outlines the current processes, with the To-Be Process Document, which outlines the desired processes, in order to identify any differences or gaps.

Some ERP implementation vendors use the term Enterprise Design Document (EDD) interchangeably with the To-Be process document.

However, strictly speaking, an Enterprise Design Document (EDD) is a document that outlines the overall design of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, including the functional requirements, data requirements, and technical architecture of the system.

EDD is usually created after gap-fit analysis when non-standard programming works are identified.ย  Customization is the coding or programming work done to the standard ERP software when the standard ERP configuration cannot meet the requirements.

It allows the potential users to understand and visualize the customizations before confirmation for the work to be carried out.

It is typically created as part of an ERP implementation project, and it serves as a detailed blueprint for the ERP system. The EDD is an essential document because it helps to ensure that the ERP system is designed in a way that meets the needs of the organization and is able to support the organization’s processes.

The EDD typically includes a detailed description of the functional requirements of the ERP system, as well as the data requirements and technical architecture needed to support those functions. It may also include information about the user interface, security requirements, and any other relevant details.

UAT stands for User Acceptance Testing. It is a critical phase in the implementation of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, where the system is tested by end users to ensure that it meets their business requirements and is ready for production. UAT typically occurs after the system has been configured and customized to meet the specific needs of the organization.

During UAT, end users perform a series of tests on the system to ensure that it is functioning as expected. These tests may include verifying that data is entered and processed correctly, that the system is user-friendly, and that it integrates with other systems as needed. The results of UAT are used to identify any issues or defects that need to be addressed before the system is put into production.

Overall, the purpose of UAT is to ensure that the ERP system is fit for purpose and ready to support the business needs of the organization.

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As we embark on a journey through Singapore's history intertwined with the evolution of the ERP market, we uncover a narrative of symbiotic growth and adaptation. From the heights of economic booms to the depths of global recessions, the trajectory of ERP mirrors the ebbs and flows of Singapore's economic landscape, shaping the fortunes of vendors and users alike.

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Embark on a transformative journey to elevate your enterprise solutions and services business with our strategic insights tailored just for you. As a consulting firm specializing in empowering businesses like yours, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities in marketing B2B enterprise solutions.

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Whether you're navigating the complexities of ERP or offering cutting-edge enterprise solutions, our insights provide actionable steps to refine your marketing strategy. Learn the art of simplifying complex solutions, and making your messaging clear, concise, and impactful.

Elevate your consulting prowess by mastering the dynamics of marketing positioning and messaging. Discover strategies to gauge the readiness of your target market, whether they're familiar with your solutions or need an introduction.

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Embark on a transformative journey into the world of ERP sales where the paradigm is shifting from individual brilliance to the collective strength of a unified team. In our article, "Everyone is Your ERP Sales Team," we unravel the layers of collaborative success that redefine the traditional sales narrative.

From the forefront of formal sales teams, featuring dynamic salespersons and pre-sales consultants, to the pivotal roles played by supporting teams in marketing and implementation, every team member becomes a protagonist in the grand story of ERP sales success.

But this narrative extends beyond the expected. We explore the untapped potential of senior managers, industry experts, external partners, and even competitors, positioning them as valuable contributors to your sales strategy. The journey continues into the realm of creative sales, demonstrating how competitors and informal marketing agents can become strategic allies.

As we navigate through these layers of teamwork, the central theme emerges - "Everyone is Your ERP Sales Team." The true strength of your ERP sales effort lies in the diversity and collaborative spirit of each team member.

Read this article and unlock the potential of your team and exploring the limitless possibilities that arise when "Everyone is Your ERP Sales Team."

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